Wednesday, 15 October 2014

VIDEO: The pain, the agony, of a Lagos hawker titled HULKS (directed by Marthins Harrison ) @iammarthins >a must watch>

HULKS is a charity Documentary aimed at raising funds for street hawkers who can't afford to pay school fees, as a result of this they hawk on the street both day and night in other to survive
As we go about our daily lives in the pursuit of happiness, we tend to overlook the less privileged in our society.  This is a self-funded documentary on the lives of  Lagos hawkers by rising film maker Marthins Harrison titled HULKS

The project is aimed at raising funds for the individuals in this documentary and to also urge the public to be kind and generous whenever they come in contact with hawkers as everyone is fighting their own battle.
Hulks is a short documentary film based of the true life experience of hawkers in Nigeria's most commercial city LAGOS. The short film is a personal project by rising film maker and media consultant MARTHINS HARRISON
Witness the struggles of a Heart breaking! My perspective about them totally changed when i watched the video last night...

You just cant imagine what these hawkers go thru on a daily basis. The pain, the agony, the struggle. its deep mehn!!!

Please watch the first episode of the series HULK.
download the video straight to your device...
 Video was directed by MARTHINS HARRISON a Motion Designer. an enthusiastic film maker! ff MARTHINS HARRISON on twitter @iammarthins or search for #hulks on twitter for more updates...

Help a street hawker go back to school today....

We at alhajiroszay blog are happy to be part of this movement...

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